Debrigarh ecotourism generates Rs.3.45 crore revenue in 2023-24

Sambalpur: Debrigarh Ecotourism in Odisha’s Sambalpur generated revenue of Rs 3.45 crore during 2023-24 financial year.

According to official sources, the ecotourism facility located near Hirakud dam in Sambalpur city saw a tourit footfall of around 70,000 during the year. While 50% of tourists were from Odisha, 20% were from West Bengal, 30% from 15 other states and outside countries including the US, the UK, and Australia.

The ecotourism site earned a revenue of Rs 2.5 crore and registered footfall of 30,000 last year. The revenue is spent towards salary of community members working at the site, maintenance of ecotourism/rooms/safari vehicles/boats, fuel charges, fooding of tourists.

The tourism hub in Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary has not only contributed to conservation but also economic and social development of local forest-dependent communities by providing them employment.

As many as 87 families from local communities manage 14-night stay cottages, Safari, cruises, trekking, hiking, kayaking, bird watching, library, food services, souvenir shop. They also protect the grasslands, saltlicks and resting zones of animals inside tourism.

Their efforts have led to guaranteed sighting of bisons, Sambars, deer, wild boar, peacocks and bear in large herds by visitors. This contributed to leopard spotting by the visitors in tourism areas this year.

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